名探偵コナンの12才までに覚えたい英熟語300の音声データ「FILE 3」
SCENE 101〜150
SCENE 101 go into 〜
SCENE 102 after school
SCENE 103 each other
SCENE 104 at home
SCENE 105 talk with 〜
SCENE 106 come and 〜
SCENE 107 so much
SCENE 108 sit down
SCENE 109 both 〜 and ...
SCENE 110 It’s OK.
SCENE 111 cheer 〜 up
SCENE 112 be interested in 〜
SCENE 113 get away
SCENE 114 be afraid of 〜
SCENE 115 look forward to 〜
SCENE 116 Be quiet!
SCENE 117 grow up
SCENE 118 just a minute
SCENE 119 not 〜 anymore
SCENE 120 believe in 〜
SCENE 121 Who is it?
SCENE 122 take a picture
SCENE 123 get on 〜
too. Me
音声書き起こしテキストSCENE 125 thank you for 〜
SCENE 126 a little
SCENE 127 Don’t do that!
SCENE 128 go camping
SCENE 129 get off 〜
SCENE 130 in the afternoon
SCENE 131 Good evening.
SCENE 132 Why don’t you 〜?
SCENE 133 Good luck.
SCENE 134 all right
SCENE 135 Could you 〜?
SCENE 136 a lot
SCENE 137 between 〜 and ...
SCENE 138 no one 〜
SCENE 139 at first
SCENE 140 one of 〜
SCENE 141 Let’s 〜.
SCENE 142 Take care.
SCENE 143 for the first time
SCENE 144 fall down
SCENE 145 be from 〜
SCENE 146 learn to 〜
SCENE 147 Here is 〜.
SCENE 148 all day
SCENE 149 listen to 〜
SCENE 150 What’s up?